NYC Diesel

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How to Rock A Fella

New York City Diesel is the pride of the Big Apple and despite its homegrown nature it has been described as having an exotic smell and taste. Perhaps New York truly is a melting pot for more than just people! Some of the exotic nature may come from the fact that the strain is bred by mixing Mexican Sativa with Afghani Indica. While we’ve essentially usurped all things Indica into our own growing habits, the twenty percent Sativa consistency still contributes a unique flavor that has made NYC Diesel widely known as one of the best-smelling and best-tasting strains out there.

NYC Diesel, being eighty percent Indica, matures fairly early in spite of the late-flowering tendency of the Sativa that will make up a fifth of the strains genetics. All the same, NYC is a hybrid in every sense of the word. Bearing the perfect mix between Indica’s fat, rounded leaves and Sativa’s thin, fingery leaves, NYC boasts a happy medium.

Growing Your Diesel:

New York City Diesel has two distinct growth cycles. When germinating, the plant is “vegetative” and therefore can soak up all the light you throw at it. Because of this, it is up to you to decide whether to supply it with a constant stream of artificial light, which will rack up your electric bill quite a bit, or to leave it outside to grow on its own. If you can spare the extra money (as well as the lights and necessary ingredients for indoor growing), you can make your NYC Diesel reach a foot to a foot and a half in height much sooner. Either way, once your plant is about this size, you can get ready for flowering by placing it outside. This should only be done during Spring or Autumn, though, when there is more unimpeded darkness (this includes any kind of light!). The darkness tells the plant to start flowering because it is assuming that Winter is just around the corner. Isn’t botany interesting? Aren’t plants stupid? You will of course need some sunlight and you’ll want to shoot for ten to twelve hours of sunlight a day. Thirteen is okay but any more than that and any less than ten could lead to inferior buds or a more paltry harvest. Obviously, as with all growing, you won’t want to actually have these plants out in the winter. A single frost can ruin your big city dreams. You’ll only want to plant after the last freeze of the year and move your operation indoors before Old Man Winter comes a-knocking. If done right your NYC Diesel should net you a harvest every two months or so.


The Indoor Stage:


Unfortunately, your NYC Diesel will have to spend some time indoors with you whether you bring it in for the winter or want to have more control over your harvest. This sucks because not only will you have to spend more money on lights but you’ll be expected to do Nature’s job. As far as lights are concerned, you’ll want to keep at least two thousand lumens per square foot at the very least. Once your plant flowers, which will be while it is indoors, you’ll be ready for harvesting. When the white pistils start changing to a darker color it is time to reap what you’ve sown. Like with nearly all strains, harvesting early (when a couple of the pistils are just starting to turn, will yield a more pure content of THC. Take the buds from the middle or the top of the plant and let the rest continue on with their maturing process. The top usually ripens first and, after picking it, you’ll notice the lower buds start to get larger and riper as more light is directed at them. After you’ve dried your NYC Diesel it is time to sit down on a couch, grab your bong, and start talking about how the Yankees could beat the Sox any day of the week! See you at the Carnegie Deli!
